Saturday 18 April 2009

A world in its world and within that world...

When we were born, the whole world was staring and talking to us in some language that we for sure never understood. And the case remains the same pretty much when we all die. How? Just read...

The world gives us a name,
with that they make us tame,

They tell us when to laugh and when not to cry.

They again tell us when to talk and when not to talk.

Even before we understand what is schooling,

We are busy rhyme reading and number rattling,Then they ask, what we want to become, even before I saya word,

the world says an Engineer.... (well..... puking the truth...)

Now God knows what is that... that sounds Big.. is what we think...

And so , we cram up between subjects and friends and then also the world decides who should be my friend and who not (All for good... I never understood how can it be good when we talk bad and keep a distance from what the world says.. they are bad!)

And still the world keeps rattling... Then I become an Engineer, as the world wished. Thus making this world my world.

Oh! then I figure there is a World talking to me they are so glamorous and colorful and then there is other world (aww... my God), this world just talks loud... We hear gunshots, people yelling and crying in loss and poverty.. and then there is another world, yet another world and... I Scream!!! WAIT!!! How many worlds are there and to how many do I see, hear and can or do I even care????

And people of the world are still talking in a language that I don't get it................

So we actually live for the world.. or are we the world living in a world within the world..

So damn.. where the hell is my world......

You who are reading this, do you understand what I want to understand.. or do you not understand or you dont want to understand????

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